It’s a subterranean headquarters few people have ever ventured into.
It hides beneath the mansion of the man whose secret identity give it its name.
And it’s up to you to recreate it.

Welcome to the Batcave: The underground lair with the secret entrance and a mystique only Bruce Wayne could pull off. Unless that is, you’re an event planner.

The batman bat cave

To Build a Cave

What do you suspect was once in the spot now occupied by your venue of choice? Centuries ago, chances are it was some sort of rock formation or a pile of dirt. Now, after years of excavation and meticulous building, you have an assignment: turn it back into a cave. Turning a sparkly venue into a rock-walled, roughly cored hideout worthy of the world’s most revered superhero may not be easy, but the effect is downright incredible.

We borrowed this recipe from a television set designer who was tasked with creating a Batcave for a children’s television show. Her approach? A wooden frame, chicken wire walls plastered with paper mache, and sponge-painted with a gradient of gray and black. Want to give your cave a truly dramatic appeal? Dim the lights and use sparse LED uplighting to set the mood.

comic book city skyline

Capturing the Colors of the Comics

The Batman franchise may be a multi-billion dollar brand today, but its roots were much simpler (and distinctly low-tech). The comic book pages that first told the tales of Batman and his sidekick were colorful figments of the pop art era. As such, our take on the Batcave theme is a lighthearted one featuring the dots and splashes of color used unsparingly in the pages of the beloved comic books.

Feature Bang! Zoom! Pow! Signage around your venue.

Splash your walls and tables with the vibrant primary colors of red, yellow and blue.

In areas too large or out of reach for tangible decor, use powerful LED lighting to fill the space with color.

comic book decor

A Cave of Characters

What’s the difference between a Batcave and a confusing glob of paper mache? It’s inhabitants! “Casting” your party is not something to be taken lightly. If you’re hosting a corporate party, get buy-in from top execs to dress each part. This year’s MVP who saved the company from a financial disaster? Your Batman cape has just been awarded. The VP that’s always at CEO’s side? There’s a Robin costume waiting. Get creative in assigning each role, while being careful to remain kind. And all of those other guests? Invite them all to dress as their favorite superhero, and award a prize for best dressed.

coworkers in hero costumes

Something’s Missing…

It sure feels like something is missing from this recipe. What could it be? Ah, yes, the Batmobile. Before you think our expectations for your party are beyond your scope, consider this: a simple Google search for “Batmobile rental” returns 485,000 results. If you live near a major city, chances are there’s a Batmobile replica available for rent. If not, Famous Car Rentals will ship a Batmobile anywhere in the country–for a price. One thing we know for sure? Instagram is about to get lit up with one truly legendary ride.

bat mobile getaway car

For even more great party theme ideas, check out our list of 100 Creative Event Themes.