6 Gorgeous (and Free) Mapping Tools

Say what you will about their importance in the age of the smartphone, but maps continue to be a mainstay on invitations of all kinds. Sometimes, their use is needed to find rural roads, while others remain as a formality. The days of pixelated Mapquest maps are long gone, and what’s replaced them will have event planners scrambling to make room for the works of art. Best of all, they’re all free. Invitations, get ready for one dramatic makeover.
Watercolor Map

Wish you could hire a watercolor artist to paint a custom map for your event invitation? Wish also that they could complete their work in a matter of seconds? And that they would charge you $0 for all of this? Your wishes have come true in Stamen Design, a map creation tool that transforms any spot on earth into a very convincing watercolor painting. Just hit download, and the image is yours for free.
Custom Single-Color Map

Another product of the generous mappers at Stamen Design, this custom look requires a bit more tinkering, but allows users to dictate the precise color of the map before downloading it for their simple, modern invitations.
Linear Toner Map

Aptly named “Toner,” this look is perfect for high contrast Xerox needs. Simple black, white, and gray, the toner look leaves opulence behind in favor of simplicity and cleanliness. Once again, amazingly, it’s completely free.
The Brand-Friendly Map

Now here’s a mapping software your brand manager will love. Simply upload an image, then move the circles over the colors you wish to incorporate into your map. Labels, roads, parks, and water are suddenly transformed into your brand or theme colors.
Topographical Terrain Map

When 2-D just won’t do, the terrain map brings welcome elevation to your map. Available with or without streets and labels, this map looks more like a globe than a typical map. Perfect for the adventure-themed invitation.
Mapbox Satellite Map

If Google’s satellite imagery wowed you in the 2000s, wait until you see what Mapbox has to offer. The mapping company’s satellite imagery is so clear, you can practically imagine the steps you’ll need to take to your party or meeting.