Creative Event Themes The Beatles

The White Album. Abbey Road. A Hard Day’s Night. The Beatles’ albums are as iconic as they are thematic. Could you ask for a better source for party themes? We think not. Read our tips for throwing a bash fit for John, Paul, George, and Ringo (or a crowd of rockstar employees.)
Let the albums be your guide.
Sometimes, incorporating a theme into every aspect of a party can feel redundant. (How many times can one slap the same cartoon character onto their decor??) Not so with the Beatles. By using the various album titles and covers as your guide, you’ll have no shortage of original, vibrant, and unique themes with which to decorate and plan. Here’s a few ideas:
Abbey Road Entrance
Why not start things off with a bang? Transform the entrance to your venue into the iconic crosswalk shot from Abbey Road and have a photographer poised to snap pictures of your guests as they enter. All it takes is a fake street sign and some white decals.

Help Event Staff Costumes
At most events, they’re conspicuously dressed. The event staff, that is. Dressed in cowboy attire for the Western shindig, or bright polos to stand out. Well, the Beatles even have an album that’s relevant to the support staff. Yep, Help. Make a sign that says, “Need Help? Look for us.” Then get your staff dressed in their best blues. In addition to being a practical way to stand out, you’re bound to get a laugh, too.

Group Photo? Someone call Sgt. Pepper.
Until Ellen’s selfie was retweeted 3 million times, the shot on the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was surely the most famous group photo of all time. Your party’s penultimate group photo couldn’t have better guidance. Create a flowerbed with your company name or logo, and a custom drumskin, to stand behind. You’ll be back in 1967 in no time.

Eat like the Beatles Eat?
Consulting their platinum albums for catering input yields a few results: sub sandwiches (yellow ones?) and a smattering of oddball ingredients from Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds: tangerine trees, marmalade skies, and marshmallow pies. Perhaps better to go for a British catering theme.

When Entertainment Matters Most
Guests coming to a Beatles-themed party will have high expectations for entertainment. The good news is many cities have pretty good Beatles tribute bands. Ask for samples of their performances before signing. After all, John Lennon can’t be easily replaced. Another option: use this theme for a School of Rock-style kids’ band competition where proceeds are donated to charity and the winning band receives a prize.
What to Delegate
In addition to the entertainment, several aspects of a Beatles-themed party can be delegated. Balloon installations that spell out BEATLES
can be hired out, and props like a telephone booth or double-decker bus can be rented. After all, you gotta get by with a little help from your friends…