Working in the event planning business since the age of twelve (yes, really) has given me more than my fair share of experiences to reflect on. As a result, my forecasts for the future are always based on experiences from the past, studying trends from yesterday to understand those of tomorrow.

If there’s one thing I know about corporate events planning & trends, it is that they mirror the status of the economy overall. When companies are succeeding and stock prices are up, event budgets normally reflect this. And when there’s an economic downturn, companies prefer not to flaunt the funds they do have, either reducing their budgets, cancelling events, or asking to have their events’ look and feel toned down.

The potential flaw in this behavior is its effect on employees. Their hard work throughout the year, and perhaps harder work during an economic downturn, makes rewarding them and connecting with customers more critical than ever.

Many event owners believe a successful event must cost a great deal of money. This doesn’t have to be true at all. Aligning the goals and objectives of the event into its planning and successful execution just takes a little bit of creativity and ingenuity.

Below are some of the most innovative corporate event entertainment trends on the horizon, the embodiment of creativity in action:

Social Media

Members of Generation Y are a major part of the workforce. Streaming, snapping, liking, and sharing is how Gen Y communicates and shares their experiences. Taking advantage of social media at your event is easy.

Creating a hashtag for your event helps connect and facilitate communication before, during, and after your event. It can get people chatting about your event theme, activities, entertainment, drinks, and food! This type of connection allows guests to view and remember the experience after the event by viewing other attendees’ posts. And it could even be a cost saver, potentially eliminating the need for that photographer after all. #bestideaever

Interactive Activities: The Thrill of the Experience

LED foosball rental

For many corporate events, I’m finding interactive activities go a long way in connecting people to people. Activities get attendees moving, interacting, and socializing without force or the dreaded small talk. Interactive activities in particular can help international attendees whose first language may not be English.

Special Event Coordinator: Hire the Best You Can Afford

carnival event decor

In the corporate world, the need for expert event planners has increased. Full-service event proposals and comprehensive management from installation to execution is a must from any event production company.

In most corporations, there are very few full-time event managers able to produce events. Typically, the job gets ‘pawned off’ to lower level staff who may lack the experience necessary to get the job done. A professional event manager is a key to keeping costs low and results high. Event management is its own business, requiring a high level of project planning, budget and negotiation skills, leadership, creativity, and expertise.

By delegating the role to a professional, you’ll have someone to plan and produce on your behalf. Plus, we think of everything! I mean everything! From the venue to the food, to the entertainment, to the cute little popcorn box flower utilized as a vase with white carnations for your high-end carnival-themed event, we think of it all!

And while we do the work, you get the credit! Your dollars go a long way when working with an event manager. We have all the tips, secrets, and special discounts in the industry and share our resources with you.

Edible Activities: Think Inside the Box!

In this case, the box is a cake box! Imagine your guests opening up a little bakery box to find a sweet little cake in need of decorating. Supply the piping bags and sprinkles and your guests eat this up, literally! From frosting to little sprinkles, all of the decorating accessories are at your disposal. The cake design and colors can be customized to fit your event theme.

Light it Up: LED Everything

LED glowing ping pong table rental
LEG glowing event venue decorations

Lighting can have a HUGE impact on an event. It can completely transform a space. Lighting has been incorporated into activities, signage, and decor, as well as furniture and FOOD! We are fully stocked with all things LED, including LED Uplights, LED Furniture, LED concessions, LED foosball, and even LED ping pong.

Silent Disco

silent disco

Every event planner is looking for unique experiences. Producing a Silent Disco is just that—unique! Let’s face it: very few people like to dance in front of other people. Call it fear of looking silly or perhaps their dancing skills are best left to be practiced behind closed doors. But deep down, everyone likes to dance.

A Silent Disco can be set up anywhere. You just need a dark room, and perhaps a few black lights. Attendees don a wireless headset, each receiving radio-transmitted, high-energy dance music. Definitely a must at your next bash!


Event Staff

While safety never goes out of style, current events have made event safety an even bigger focus of event planners’ efforts in recent years. Your guests’ event experiences may be at the top of your list, but our highest priority is safety. At NEP, these two concerns go hand and hand. If it’s not safe, we’re not doing it!