Trade Show Booth Checklist All the elements to consider when creating engaging & exciting marketing events.

Marketing activations, pop-up shops, trade shows, and expositions are exciting no matter the industry. It’s a time where every brand puts it’s best foot forward and taps into creative ideas to create the ideal first impression.
Creating an overall roadmap for the marketing events, exhibitions, and tradeshow’s your brand plans to showcase at over the year might seem daunting at first but breaking every showcase opportunity down into a checklist format will not only put the mind at ease but can significantly boost the overall success at marketing events for your brand.
Here is a breakdown of what every brand’s trade show booth checklist should touch on, and what areas to highlight for your brand in order to have the most consistency and success with marketing events, brand activations, exhibitions, and trade shows.
Make a Statement
Trade show’s and exhibition halls are the center point of any given industry on any given occasion, with hundreds of brands, consumers, investors, and marketers all convening under the same roof to engage in the latest industry news, trends, and products.
Bringing artistry to a trade show or exhibition presence is something often overlooked but booth designers know the power of creating a breathtaking foundation for a brand’s presence at an event.
Making a statement is the whole reason for showing up at an exhibition, whether that statement is aimed at mostly consumers or to other industry players is dependant on the organization. At the start of any checklist, is a general idea of what statement an organization or brand needs to make– What is the overall theme? What is the message attendees need to take away from their experience?
Once the message is decided upon everything else can fall into place to create a custom fit outline and trade show checklist for your brand.
Creating a high impact trade show or exhibition presence is done with a strong foundation, when it comes to a strong foundation many might not think of design work as the main focus of marketing event strategies, however an innovative and interesting booth design can do wonders with pulling in foot traffic, seamlessly breaking up booth activities, and so much more.

Design work is often seen as something extra but the proper design work within any marketing event can provide great value for the overall price.
In need of a few design ideas or inspiration? Check out our break down of some of the best trade show booth ideas and strategies: “Inspiring Trade Show Booth Ideas“.
A Personal Touch

A personal touch is something that extends far past customized coffee mugs and flyers. Creating a memorable and personable interaction is between the audience and brand can be done in limitless ways.
Long gone are the days of the free branded pens and note pads that sit atop trade show and exhibition booth tabletops. Here are the days of the custom branded vending machines.
There are so many innovative takes on freebies and merch for events and one of the most ingenious takes is the social media smart vending machine where guests can exchange a tweet, a follow, or a post for free merch and prizes.